My twelfth day at camp.

We woke up at 6:30 AM and had breakfast. After breakfast, we waited for our guides for the day. Once everyone was on the truck ready to leave, Aeden and I were sent to our guides' car. From there, we headed to our first destination where we met Brayan, who would be our guide for the day. He took us to a canal to measure water levels. Virginia and I were the first to enter the water to take measurements. We were provided with waterproof suits, but unfortunately, the one I was given was torn, and I ended up soaked. After measuring the first canal, we moved to another one. Due to rain, we had lunch inside the cars before proceeding to measure the water levels at the next canal.
Again, I had to enter the water to take measurements, this time with Aeden. Despite the torn suit, I had to use it again as there were no replacements available. After completing measurements in one section, we had to walk to another, but my suit was heavy with water. I had to remove it to drain the water inside, which made walking difficult. Despite this, we continued to measure water levels in another part of the canal.
Afterward, I changed into shorts from my backpack. We were then taken to another location to install a water pump. After completing our tasks, we returned to the campsite. My first priority was to shower due to being soaked earlier. Once cleaned up, I had dinner and made phone calls to relatives before going to bed.


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